Gorgeous writing and I am so sorry for your loss and the broken dream. It's always hard when something you want turns into an unexpected redirection so I hope there is healing for you in the fog and balm for your heart in the mist. xx
Oh, Victoria. Thank you so much for your warm words. They themselves are a deep balm for my soul.
I have discovered much about making space for living with grief and creating joy in my life. And my marriage is even deeper because we’ve had to let go and reimagine our life. It is a long journey and these marker days will occur annually where I will give into the grief and feel the pain a little bit more. But, always moving forward. Thanks for your comment that allowed me to just express all of that. Apparently, I needed to. ❤️
I'm really honoured that you felt comfortable to express it. Marker days are important as is the act of remembering. Allowing yourself to carry it without being crushed by the weight of it is what healing is all about and I love that the grief has brought you and your wife closer together. It's what we all hope for when faced with tough situations and there's nothing more special than knowing you have someone with whom you can navigate the ebbs and flows of life.
Listening to you Liz felt like you were a best friend who knows exactly how things are at the moment. They are tough but manageable. I'm a winter baby so love this time of year but I'm having to fight to appreciate it. I think I'm in my own fog so your words will help me while it clears.
I hope you don't mind but I have used your last 'paragraph' to go with my journal entry today xx
Julia, that is such a beautiful thing to hear. What a blessing your comment is to me. All I want is to create a sense of inspiration and connection with you and others, so you have made my Thursday morning now. Thank you so much for your comment - and of course feel free to use whatever I share in whatever way you want in your own reflections and musings. 🫶🏻
I wish you peace and calm as the fog slowly dissipates. I’ll be thinking of you as you move through the last weeks of winter. xo
Dearest Liz, I have had in the corner of my mind that February is a tender and difficult month for you. I am so sorry for the loss you experienced and everything that it meant to you both. Yes to the fog of this time, we’ve had a lot of grey, heavy, cold and damp days here which feels very much as you described (have you read Chasing Fog by Laura Pashby?). It feels like a precarious and delicate time and thank you for reminding us of the beauty that continues to exist in the cracks. Wishing you better! xx
Oh Lyndsay, thank you so much for your intuitive attention and love. It is a foggy month, but with each year, I am able to let it be beside the tiny sparks of joy that also exist. I haven’t read Chasing Fog yet, but it’s on my list! xx
Gorgeous writing and I am so sorry for your loss and the broken dream. It's always hard when something you want turns into an unexpected redirection so I hope there is healing for you in the fog and balm for your heart in the mist. xx
Oh, Victoria. Thank you so much for your warm words. They themselves are a deep balm for my soul.
I have discovered much about making space for living with grief and creating joy in my life. And my marriage is even deeper because we’ve had to let go and reimagine our life. It is a long journey and these marker days will occur annually where I will give into the grief and feel the pain a little bit more. But, always moving forward. Thanks for your comment that allowed me to just express all of that. Apparently, I needed to. ❤️
I'm really honoured that you felt comfortable to express it. Marker days are important as is the act of remembering. Allowing yourself to carry it without being crushed by the weight of it is what healing is all about and I love that the grief has brought you and your wife closer together. It's what we all hope for when faced with tough situations and there's nothing more special than knowing you have someone with whom you can navigate the ebbs and flows of life.
Listening to you Liz felt like you were a best friend who knows exactly how things are at the moment. They are tough but manageable. I'm a winter baby so love this time of year but I'm having to fight to appreciate it. I think I'm in my own fog so your words will help me while it clears.
I hope you don't mind but I have used your last 'paragraph' to go with my journal entry today xx
Julia, that is such a beautiful thing to hear. What a blessing your comment is to me. All I want is to create a sense of inspiration and connection with you and others, so you have made my Thursday morning now. Thank you so much for your comment - and of course feel free to use whatever I share in whatever way you want in your own reflections and musings. 🫶🏻
I wish you peace and calm as the fog slowly dissipates. I’ll be thinking of you as you move through the last weeks of winter. xo
Dearest Liz, I have had in the corner of my mind that February is a tender and difficult month for you. I am so sorry for the loss you experienced and everything that it meant to you both. Yes to the fog of this time, we’ve had a lot of grey, heavy, cold and damp days here which feels very much as you described (have you read Chasing Fog by Laura Pashby?). It feels like a precarious and delicate time and thank you for reminding us of the beauty that continues to exist in the cracks. Wishing you better! xx
Oh Lyndsay, thank you so much for your intuitive attention and love. It is a foggy month, but with each year, I am able to let it be beside the tiny sparks of joy that also exist. I haven’t read Chasing Fog yet, but it’s on my list! xx