It gives me such hope to learn about the work you’re doing with young people, Liz. What a beautiful vocation for a sensitive and insightful person like you. This entire letter warms my heart and inspires me to continue to celebrate every ordinary day.

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Thank you so much for saying that, Ann. I am so honored to get to do the work I do. And, honestly, I thought about you as I was writing this letter. I’ve written weekly posts for years on my blog and when I made the move to Substack, your Microseasons were such a welcoming space for me. It was if I had found a sisterhood of living slowly, where we all celebrate each season and ordinary day as it unfolds❤️.

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Liz, if I have a central message it’s that: unconditional love for each tiny season. Taking each as it comes and receiving its unique gifts. I guess with the hope of also receiving each person in the same spirit of loving attention.

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I am blessed to be your sister!

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Likewise, my sister. I’m deeply honored.

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Jun 16Liked by liz | wsc

Liz it’s still “March” here in Seattle too. It is so hard not to have more warm sunshine to bask in. I’m trying to appreciate the small things about the rainy, cold and cloudy weather too. Yesterday we went to a party at the lake and after the rainstorm the sky was magical with sunbeams shining through- not to mention a big wide rainbow. :). I want to tell you how much your work is valued. I could have used your help with my son as he struggled so much with school refusal. I could never get him to go to anywhere when he really needed more than what I could do for him.Your program seems so positive and relaxed in a way they don’t seem to be here. In any case, you’re giving so much to those kids but also to their parents and families. It’s beyond measure the impact you are having on the world. 💕

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Those moments when the sun breaks through - they are just magical, aren't they? I loooove seeing the sunbeams when they burst through. And, a rainbow too! What a beautiful sky it must have been right then.

You are so very kind and wise in sharing what you have experienced and been through. I am so humbled and honored to do the work that I do. And I only hope that I can provide a bit of calm so that my young ones can find a sense of hope for the future and belief in themselves. xo

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I’m so glad your year has rounded off so wonderfully, and now is the time for rest which in the summer I feel means embracing joy. I am so excited at solstice, I’m bursting at the seams. I feel as if the energy is already here. I’ll be turning over oracle cards all this week, looking forward to joining you my friend xx

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The solstice is here, Anna! I have also been feeling so many feels as the solstice has gotten closer. Probably since Beltane in May, actually. I hope that you find rest and light and energy all at the same time this season.Blessed summer, my friend. I am so honored and happy to have you joining me as we move into the season. xx

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