Fantastic description of march, I always found hope in this season, a big inhale of energy whilst at the same time feeling like my feet are stuck in the mud (quite literally on my sunny hikes through Somerset haha) - thank you for sharing the International Women’s Day project SIREN SONGS, I think it is the perfect wake up call for us to start the year in integrity and clarity, especially about our mission. And I LOVE your questions on leadership and can’t wait to read your contribution this Sunday 😍
Thank you, Lauren, for creating the project. It will be such a powerful and inspiring day here on Substack. ❤️
I love hearing how you experience March. It is such a special time of letting each day just ebb and flow as it will. Definitely a month that teaches us to embrace it all. 😘
Gorgeous writing, as ever, Liz. I am really interested to hear more about your Lenten practices. I usually use it as a time to give up sugar because I like the fact it has a defined start and end date. 😂 I’m really interested to learn more about your time for meditation; I have always been awful at meditation. If I sit quietly, my mind just starts racing and I find I’m more stressed than when I began. Looking forward to hearing more about it and learning about carnelian. ☺️ xx
The fact that Lent is a set period of time is also such a comfort to me. It feels ”doable” to try something new or give up something for a period of time. I played around with the idea of a digital detox (not Substack), but decided on creating space for meditation instead.
When I meditate I mix it with some intentional stretching/yoga poses and silent breathing. One move I love is to raise my hand over my head, inhale, then bend over to touch my toes and release my breathe. I repeat this over and over again to start my practice for the evening. It sets the mood, cleanses my breath and body, and signals to my mind that it’s time to focus.
After stretching and breathing for about 5-10 minutes, I use a guided meditation or music on the Insight Timer app (it’s free) to give me a soundtrack on which to focus. I don’t do much silent meditation right now, but I intend to move back to that after getting back into my meditation groove.
Don’t worry about your mind racing or being unable to concentrate. Meditation is the practice of letting things come and go, ebb and flow. It’s not intended to be a time of emptying your mind or being perfectly silent. Allow whatever comes to come. And always return to your breath.
Let me know if you decide on a practice for this Lent! xx🪬
Amazing as always ♥️ years ago I read “Preparing for Easter: 50 days of devotionals with C.S. Lewis” and found it delightfully insightful. This year I am feeling called to solo walks, reading and writing. I too am preparing something for IWD and look forward to other contributing artists too!
Gaaah thank you , Amanda! Ooo I just love C.S. Lewis. So inspiring and deep. I’ll bet that was a gr da t devotional book, but your solo practices this year sound just perfect! Wishing you a magical and meaning Lent. Can’t wait to see what you write for IWD! xx
Fantastic description of march, I always found hope in this season, a big inhale of energy whilst at the same time feeling like my feet are stuck in the mud (quite literally on my sunny hikes through Somerset haha) - thank you for sharing the International Women’s Day project SIREN SONGS, I think it is the perfect wake up call for us to start the year in integrity and clarity, especially about our mission. And I LOVE your questions on leadership and can’t wait to read your contribution this Sunday 😍
Thank you, Lauren, for creating the project. It will be such a powerful and inspiring day here on Substack. ❤️
I love hearing how you experience March. It is such a special time of letting each day just ebb and flow as it will. Definitely a month that teaches us to embrace it all. 😘
Gorgeous writing, as ever, Liz. I am really interested to hear more about your Lenten practices. I usually use it as a time to give up sugar because I like the fact it has a defined start and end date. 😂 I’m really interested to learn more about your time for meditation; I have always been awful at meditation. If I sit quietly, my mind just starts racing and I find I’m more stressed than when I began. Looking forward to hearing more about it and learning about carnelian. ☺️ xx
The fact that Lent is a set period of time is also such a comfort to me. It feels ”doable” to try something new or give up something for a period of time. I played around with the idea of a digital detox (not Substack), but decided on creating space for meditation instead.
When I meditate I mix it with some intentional stretching/yoga poses and silent breathing. One move I love is to raise my hand over my head, inhale, then bend over to touch my toes and release my breathe. I repeat this over and over again to start my practice for the evening. It sets the mood, cleanses my breath and body, and signals to my mind that it’s time to focus.
After stretching and breathing for about 5-10 minutes, I use a guided meditation or music on the Insight Timer app (it’s free) to give me a soundtrack on which to focus. I don’t do much silent meditation right now, but I intend to move back to that after getting back into my meditation groove.
Don’t worry about your mind racing or being unable to concentrate. Meditation is the practice of letting things come and go, ebb and flow. It’s not intended to be a time of emptying your mind or being perfectly silent. Allow whatever comes to come. And always return to your breath.
Let me know if you decide on a practice for this Lent! xx🪬
Amazing as always ♥️ years ago I read “Preparing for Easter: 50 days of devotionals with C.S. Lewis” and found it delightfully insightful. This year I am feeling called to solo walks, reading and writing. I too am preparing something for IWD and look forward to other contributing artists too!
Gaaah thank you , Amanda! Ooo I just love C.S. Lewis. So inspiring and deep. I’ll bet that was a gr da t devotional book, but your solo practices this year sound just perfect! Wishing you a magical and meaning Lent. Can’t wait to see what you write for IWD! xx