deletedJan 25Liked by liz | wsc
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Ooooo I looooove this CJ. Thank you so much! Yes, poppyseeds and lemons! It is about that time. xo

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Beautiful and magical as always Liz — I think we are on the same page in the underworld of winter right now, sending you warmth! xx

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The same to you, dear Lyndsay. Happy still-wintering. xo

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Jan 25Liked by liz | wsc

Oh I have so much love for WORWTW - its one I think I will re read forever & each time gain new wisdom. I am more aligned to this being one of the final full moons of the astrological year, as opposed to the first of the calendar. I am still in my winter slumber, not quite ready to emerge yet!

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It is such a dense and rich book, full of things to reread and explore and enjoy for years to come - I agree! I love your alignment to the astrological energy and the end of the year. It is something I often think of, or am aware of, but I have not quite found it as my own personal rhythm yet. Thank you so much for bringing it to my mind again. And happy slumbering a few weeks more. xo

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Jan 25Liked by liz | wsc

Oh Liz, we are deep in an Australian heatwave but my ancestry is from the Northern Hemisphere... I feel the Wolf moon energy. The Katherine Piddy link is so strong in alignment 💐🐝🇦🇺

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Oh, I am so very happy to hear from you, Brid, down in the southern hemisphere. I often think of southern hemisphere friends I "know" through social media/Substack/etc. when I write about the earthly happenings here in the north. I am so glad to have another dear soul to think of now. I am amazed and touched by the fact that, even though so far apart in distance, we can feel the same energies. Thank you so much for being here! xo

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Jan 26Liked by liz | wsc

Beautiful photos also!

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Thanks so very much, Jen! xx

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Jan 27Liked by liz | wsc

I just started listening to the Katherine Priddy. I have never heard her and I think I am obsessed. Thanks for sharing that. I went to a Crystal Sound Healing the day of the Wolf Moon. I don’t go often but I absolutely love how the sound grounds you and elevates you at the same time.

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I just stumbled upon Katherine Priddy recently as well and I am definitely a fan. So glad you like the link, Becca! Oooo, I haven't had a crystal sound healing experience, but I love gong healing. My kundalini yoga class ends with a 10 minute deep gong session each week. I feel the sound waves literally wash over me and carry me most of the time into a cosmic space, but recently I have felt like I've been burying deep within the magic of the earth as well. It's exactly as you say - grounding and elevating at the same time! xo

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Jan 28Liked by liz | wsc

Oh, I like the gongs too. This was my first with the crystal bowls. They are so beautiful too. Music and sound do help to brighten up the dark winter!

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If I might be so bold - that is a beautiful picture of you at the end of the article

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