Seasonal notes filled with rituals, meditations, and inspo for those of us who long to live a slow, soulful life in rhythm with nature. Written with the intention to inspire, connect, and help you find your own natural, wild rhythm.

Welcome, my friend!

I’ve been following the seasons of the year for as long as I can remember - with words + photos. And as the years have passed, season after season, I have found that I become more grounded and aligned. I slow down and linger. And I not only pay attention to nature and the cosmos, but I find that slow living is the most natural, magical, authentic way to live a life of meaning and purpose.

Dropping down into the cycles and rhythms of life brings meaning, clarity, inner peace, and inspiration to my everyday life. I am more present - at home, at work, and wherever I am. My focus becomes being rather than doing. And I can’t think of a more magical, natural way to live.

the rhythms of the year: seasons and festivals

My Substack is the place where I share whatever is on my mind as I move through rhythms of the day and the seasons of the year. Here I will be leaving letters, short notes, monthly missives, and even some audio or video reflections.

But, even more than sending you letters + notes, I hope to create a community here. Which is why it is my intention to build a collective here. A space for of all and any of us seeking a way to live slowly, intentionally, and at the pace of nature. Whether we ever meet in person or not, we will meet in spirit here. And, together, as we move through the seasons, we will learning to trust the unfolding of life, experiencing the cycles and rhythms of earth + sky as a community connected by the flow of nature itself.

There’s space here for comments, threads, discussions, and shared ideas - which I hope fosters that community that I am so longing to create with you. I’d love to see us share our thoughts, musings, and inspiration with each other.

I intend for this to be a space of authentic conversation and support. I want to inspire and to be inspired. So, stick around. Subscribe. Follow. Read. Peruse. And connect. Let’s celebrate the seasons of life together.

I’m Liz. | Mystic. Spiritualist. Mentor.

Wanderer. Homebody. French fry lover. Moon-gazer. Theologian. Teacher. Photographer. Road-tripper. Playlist curator. Wine + beer drinker. Writer. Intuitive. North Carolina-born. Sweden-settled.

Currently I live with my wife and our cat, Bear, in a loft apartment overlooking the industrial, cozy, gritty city of Norrköping, Sweden where I work with teenage dropouts and at-risk high school students/young adults. I ground my life by following the rhythms of the seasons and I spend time finding inspiration in all forms of art, travel, nature, food, and drink.

With that said, here’s to this shared space and to the notes that will document our journey all along the way. I cannot wait to see how we move through the seasons together.

Welcome to the Wild Soul Collective!

xoxo. liz

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Seasonal letters for those of us who long to live a slow life in rhythm with nature.


Mystic | Spiritualist | Teacher ❍ Documenting the rhythms of my life. ☽ Living slowly with the seasons.📍Home: Sweden 🌱 Born + raised: North Carolina, USA