Wild Soul Collective
wild soul collective
The passionate, sovereign energy of July 👑

The passionate, sovereign energy of July 👑

The Summer Solstice series - #6 | When your true essence reigns supreme
ferns are my absolute favorite plant. a symbol of the essence of who i am - whatever that means and however you interpret it. it is just something i feel.

Hello you. And Happy July!

We have now crossed the halfway point of the year, we’ve celebrated and marked the turning of the wheel of the year at the solstice, and begun to really sink into the season before us - be that summer or winter.

I must admit, part of me is quite sad to release June. It has been the sweet, summery month that I imagined it would be - full of the abundance of both the light and the earth. For one of the shorter months of the year, June felt very slow; but in the best possible way. It was wonderfully, intentionally slow. Filled with days that were busy, but, at the same time, where I felt fully alive and present and grounded.

But, release June, we must. And, honestly, I can already feel the energy shifting from the sweet, slow days of simply basking in the moments of June, into a much more active, positive, creative energy for July.

In June, we celebrated the reign of the sun. But, for July, we shift from the power of the sun to focusing on our own inner power - and letting our true essence reign supreme. But, I am getting waaaay ahead of myself.

the cards when i pulled them on the solstice (june 20)

If you have been following my Summer Solstice letter series on Substack, then you know that it’s time for the next to last letter of the series. Back on the solstice, when I pulled seven cards that would be be the inspiration for my every other day letters, I knew that this card (number 6) would also fall on the beginning of July. So, I have decided to combine my monthly energy letter/podcast and my #6 solstice letter into one. Make sense?

Just to update you, in case you haven’t been following along, I pulled all of the cards for the series on the solstice, but I turn them over one day at a time, on the day that I intend to send the next letter.

This morning, I sat down and looked over the 5 cards that I have written about so far. And, as I perused them, I noticed a shift within myself - from feeling the height of the solstice and full moon celebrations and traditions to a deeper, more personal focus on moving forward and moving onward into this unfolding summer.

When I turned over today’s oracle card from The Literary Witches deck, I found myself drawn deeply into the image of the woman on the card - Sandra Cisneros. Sandra is a Mexican-American writer of fiction and poetry. But, sadly, I had never heard about her. Until today. And, oh my. What an inspiring woman.

Sandra was born in Chicago in 1954 as the only daughter in a family of 7 children. From early on, she loved writing and literature. As she grew, she decided that what she wanted was to live life on her terms, to own her own house, and to not marry or have children. She wanted to follow her dreams and make a difference, in her own unique way.

photo from here

As a writer, Sandra has published novels, essays, and poetry. She writes on feminism, culture, and personal independence. I have read that her stories are full of vibrant imagery, deep emotions, and carry themes of social justice. As a Mexican-American, and through her stories, she speaks to the struggles of different minority groups and tackle injustices found in society. But, she also offers a voice of empowerment to women - inspiring us to claim power over our own lives, to not settle, and to dare to create the life we desire. Sandra has not only written about these things, though, she has followed her own path throughout life - creating a life outside of the norm, wanting to never be a woman just sitting at the window, wishing that her life had turned out differently, like her mother.

For Sandra, her sovereignty, her independence, has always been symbolized by a house. She’s even written about it in A House of My Own: Stories from My Life (which I most definitely have to read!).

When she decided to forgo marriage and children, Sandra’s goal was to buy her own house. A life and a space of her very own. Where she could chase her dreams, go barefoot all day, “be rude” and completely herself, make her own money, and use her pen to give voice to social injustices that she has both lived and observed.

Of course, she has done just that. And, I cannot begin to express to you how much this inspires me - partly because I can relate to living a life outside of the norm, but also because I aspire to grow more sovereign and independent and comfortable in my own skin with each passing year. In fact, as I went down a Sandra Cisneros rabbit hole, I discovered myself in her words more and more. Needless to say, I will be ordering a few of her books to read as soon as possible - perhaps even throughout July.

previous july reads

Completely overflowing with inspiration from the oracle card message today, I turn now to see what the message of the “Sandra card” has to say to me, to us, as summer settles in and July begins.

After pondering today’s card for a while and feeling the wild, carefree, restful energy of July building within me, I couldn’t shake a deep call to spend this month exploring and meditating on my own independence, my own sovereignty.

me. midsummer. june 2024.

In my previous solstice letter, I wrote about my summer of sacred spaces - and how I feel that this summer invites me to enjoy the wild, carefree energy of summer; and to also settle into the slow, restful, spiritual energy of summer as well. That all of it is sacred.

Now that I am also inspired by Sandras message of fierce independence and justice, I feel even more sure that finding balance and sacredness is all places and moments is my focus for July. As I wander through cities and meditate at home, I believe that it will be the perfect way for me to live my best, most sovereign life this summer - where my true, unique essence reigns supreme, where I create space for the me that loves the pulse of the city, but for the me that also craves the solitude of my quiet home. I need both in order to fill my soul. That is the essence of who I am.

me. nyc. july 2016.

We are all wild, passionate, beautiful sovereign beings who decide and rule over our own lives. So, this July, I intend to fully, and passionately, throw myself into the moment - whether it be in the midst of a vibrant, funky, buzzing city space or the silent stillness of my meditation mat on my studio floor.

These moments are what inspire me, they are me. And, by living my most sovereign and passionate life, I am better equipped to write and work and share my own gifts and wisdom with the world. I am better able to use my voice and show up in the world in my own unique way.

me. sweden’s west coast. july 2022.

The beginning of July has me feeling empowered and hopeful and alive. It is the deepest part of summer, a time of living and embracing and exploring our most wild, carefree, deep, and spiritual selves.

So, my friend. Let’s do just that. Dig deep - way down into your soul this month. Feel the essence of you. And live these coming July days as the sovereign, supreme queen or king that you already are.

xoxo. liz.

July happenings

☀️ July sunrise/sunset times in Norrköping, Sweden (Mondays)

  • 01 July - 3:52 / 22:05

  • 08 July - 4:00 / 21:59

  • 15 July - 4:11 / 21:49

  • 22 July - 4:24 / 21:37

  • 29 July - 4:39 / 21:22

🌙 Moon phases (Europe dates)

  • 06 July - New Moon

  • 21 July - Full Buck Moon

✨ Sacred Days + Folk Festivals

July a a very special month, with no real holidays or festivals. It is a time to just soak in the season. It has the same vibe as January, I believe. A time of rest and restoration, whether at the height of summer or the depth of winter. A time to just be. So, enjoy wherever you are this month. And, know, that come the 1st of August, change will arrive once again, as we begin to move toward the season of harvest and autumn.

🎵 The playlist

For June and July I have created one, epic playlist. I absolutely love the energy and mood it brings to this season of the year. So, welcome to my soundtrack of summer. The season of grounded, abundant, free-spirited, wildness of the earth, the sea, the city, and our souls. Enjoy!

Wild Soul Collective
wild soul collective
WSC is a belovelive podcast filled with stories, rituals, meditations, and inspo on living a slow, soulful life in rhythm with the seasons.